Manual traffic exchanges are the best way to promote the website, blog, referral link with free of cost and simultaneously you can also earn money. The model is very easy. You visit a number websites predetermined by the traffic exchange site then in turn they send a specific number of people to your site as well. For example you might be required to view 4 sites, then get 3 people to visit your site. The number and amount of traffic varies from site to site. After doing a lot of research we find top 10 manual traffic exchanges. It is recommended if you don’t have your own site still you can promote your PTC referral link by joining these programs.

Please find the below listed top 10 manual traffic exchange and click on the site name in which you want to register and earn money.

Site Name Surf Time Surf Ratio Brief Description
Legacyhits 10 Sec 2:1 One of the fast-growing traffic exchange, they have nearly 1.5 million tracked hits on average.
TopSurfer 15 Sec 2:1 10 extra every 100 plus random bonus hits.
TrafficSwirl 8 Sec 4:1 Play various games to win credits and cash. Buy and sell advertising in the marketplace.
ILoveHits 6 Sec 3:1 Popular site, daily surfing competition with credit prizes.
Traffic-Splash 6 Sec 3:1 A well-established site with a large membership. 20% or more extra when Commando Surfing.
Hit2hit 6 Sec 2:1 frequent prize pages and power surfs. Unlimited text and banners.
MembersRule 10 Sec 1:1 Pays $0.03 per 100 pages surf
WebmasterQuest 10 Sec 1:1 Popular Traffic Exchange, Geo Targeted Traffic
Traffic G 20 Sec 1:1.1 Complete the skillcard successfully and you gain 1% skill rating to a maximum surf ratio of 110%.
EasyHits4U 15/20 Sec 1:1 With a 1:1 surf ratio and frequent bonuses, this is easily the best, most popular and top ranked traffic exchange.



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